We have arrived safely in Mineros and are so thankful for a beautiful travel day! We are so excited to begin working with the Compassion International children tomorrow!

Thank you for all of your prayers!  We arrived safely in Mineros earlier this Monday evening after a beautiful travel day from Cochabamba.  James and Ivan San Martin traveled with us and we are so thankful that they are here.

Pastor Esteban and Evelyn were at the airport to greet us--what joyful faces to see!  We are so happy to be here with these precious children and especially Pastor Esteban and Evelyn.  In 2002, during Our Savior Lutheran Church's first missions trip to Bolivia, Evelyn was a young teen girl worshiping with her family at Florida Norte Church in Cochabamba.  Now she is the director of the Compassion International Ministries here in Mineros for over 600 children and Esteban pastors the church that is connected to the center.  We are humbled and honored to be here.
Keep praying--God is hearing your prayers and working through them, by His grace.
In Jesus' love,
Mateo Beish


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